Friday May 22, 2020
Easy Tips for UTIs
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
This episode covers:
- How UTIs happen
- Why they can recur and become chronic
- How nutrition and supplements can interrupt the cycle
Friday May 08, 2020
Fertility Talk for Engaged Girls
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
This is an informal recording of a talk I gave to about 30 college girls, many of whom are anticipating marriage in the next year or two. It's a general overview of fertility in light of nutrition, thyroid, blood sugar, and other factors, presented from the Catholic perspective of sexuality within marriage.
Audio quality is better in the first hour or so. Full transcript at https://www.brightfamilies.com/post/fertility-talk-for-college-girls
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
College Girls Health Talk
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
An overview of key habits for great health in college, based on several talks given to college girls over the last several years.
Bone Mass
- Developing Bone Mass during this ideal window, through exercise and nutrition
- What's in Bone? Collagen, protein, vitamins
- Why Sleep affects weight, bone growth
Brain Development and how to develop strong relationships
- managing distractions from tech and our own preconceptions
- making eye contact, dealing with feelings honestly
Drinking, and Smoking, and other Drugs
- Smoking dampens feelings and covers indecision and social awkwardness
- Drinking adds a layer of unreality to relationships, and you should question any relationship that involves regular use of alcohol
- Drinking has different biological effects in different people, fatigue, euphoria, adrenaline
- Addiction is more likely with existing depression. What is your habit doing for you? What is it covering?
- Smoking and Drinking lead to nutrient deficiencies, both because of the requirements for their metabolism, and the decrease in food intake that often occurs
- Sleep loss leads to poor memory, depression, anxiety, poor food choices, and a generally less enjoyable time
- Morning sunlight helps you start your day and fall asleep
- Daytime sunlight can help with Vitamin D
- Exercise at least 2 hours before bed, use white noise, darken the room
- At some point you just have to say no to whatever is happening lat at night
- Nap before late events like dances, go to bed early when you can
Immune System
- Vitamins, sleep, hydration, stress management, and sugar intake all have a large impact on your immune system
College Students and Diet Fads
- Any loss in calories can affect your cycle, sleep, mood
- Small changes in body fat can lead to large changes in mood and the consistency of your menstrual cycle. If you're not modeling, who cares about the extra 2 pounds?
Menstrual Cycle
- Basic overview of the process and common variations and problems
- At least 20% of girls test as anemic, and that's likely an underestimate
- Exercise the week before your period, consider resting during your period, you may need to snack more as your period ends and you're replacing blood loss